Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/06/22 11. Signs, Proverbs, & Prophets (ch.12-13) Daniel Broadwell Class on Ezekiel Wed PM 2022-04-06class.mp3 11._Ezekiel_12-13.pptx
04/03/22 10. The Glory Departs (ch.9-11) Daniel Broadwell Class on Ezekiel Sun AM 2022-04-03class.mp3 10._Ezekiel_9-11.pptx
03/30/22 9. The Glory Departs (ch.9-11) Daniel Broadwell Class on Ezekiel Wed PM 2022-03-30class.mp3 9._Ezekiel_9-11.pptx
03/27/22 8. Trip to the Temple (ch.8) Daniel Broadwell Class on Ezekiel Sun AM 2022-03-27class.mp3 8._Ezekiel_8.pptx
03/23/22 7. The End is Coming (ch.7) Daniel Broadwell Class on Ezekiel Wed PM 2022-03-23class.mp3 7._Ezekiel_7.pptx
03/20/22 6. The Judgement of Israel Part 2 (ch.6) Rick Bilberry Class on Ezekiel Sun AM 6._Ezekiel_6.pptx 2022-03-20class.mp3
03/16/22 5. The Judgement of Jerusalem (ch.5) Rick Bilberry Class on Ezekiel Wed PM 2022-03-16_class.mp3 5._Ezekiel_5.pptx
03/13/22 4. Strange Acts (ch.4) Daniel Broadwell Class on Ezekiel Sun AM 2022-03-13class.mp3 4._Strange_Acts_ch.4.pdf 4._Ezekiel_4.pptx
03/09/22 3. Ezekiel's Call (ch.2-3) Daniel Broadwell Class on Ezekiel Wed PM 2022-03-09class.mp3 3._Ezekiels_Call.pdf 3._Ezekiel_2-3.pptx
03/06/22 2. Ezekiel's Vision (ch.1) Daniel Broadwell Class on Ezekiel Sun AM 2022-03-06class.mp3 2._Ezekiel_1.pptx
03/02/22 1. Introduction to Ezekiel Daniel Broadwell Class on Ezekiel Wed PM 2022-03-02class.mp3 1._Intro_to_Ezekiel.pptx
02/27/22 Esther - Class 12 John Moon Class on Esther Sun AM 2022-02-27class.mp3 Esther_Recap_Quiz.pdf
02/23/22 Esther - Class 11 Bill Mann Class on Esther Wed PM 2022-02-23class.mp3
02/20/22 Esther - Class 10 John Moon Class on Esther Sun AM 2022-02-20class.mp3
02/16/22 Esther - Class 9 Bill Mann Class on Esther Wed PM 2022-02-16class.mp3
02/13/22 Esther - Class 8 John Moon Class on Esther Sun AM 2022-02-13class.mp3
02/09/22 Esther - Class 7 Bill Mann Class on Esther Wed PM 2022-02-09class.mp3
02/06/22 Esther - Class 6 John Moon Class on Esther Sun AM 2022-02-06class.mp3
02/02/22 Esther - Class 5 Bill Mann Class on Esther Wed PM 2022-02-02class.mp3
01/30/22 Esther - Class 4 John Moon Class on Esther Sun AM 2022-01-30class.mp3
01/26/22 Esther - Class 3 Bill Mann Class on Esther Wed PM 2022-01-26_class.mp3
01/23/22 Esther - Class 2 John Moon Class on Esther Sun AM 2022-01-23_class.mp3
01/19/22 Esther - Class 1 Bill Mann Class on Esther Bible Class 2022-01-19class.mp3
01/16/22 OT Survey - Between the Testaments - (Class 13) Jordan Holland Old Testament Survey Class Sun AM 2022-01-16class.mp3 Lesson_13_-_Time_Between_the_Testaments.pptx Lesson_13_-_Time_Between_the_Testaments.pdf
01/09/22 OT Survey - Major Prophets - (Class 11) Rick Bilberry Old Testament Survey Class Sun AM 2022-01-09class.mp3 Lesson_11_-_The_Major_Prophets_-_Adult_Class.pptx

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